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Environmental IoT Data Analysis Application and Services

This project is built based on Web-GIS, which provides Environmental Protection Administration to integrate environmental IoT sensors management and support decision making, and to assist environmental inspection for local environmental protection bureaus where IoT sensors are distributed. And it’s also open to the public for checking PM2.5 real-time data. Overall, it meets different requirements for users from different categories in the sensor data of management supervision and also in public service and information for supportive decision systems. The project includes the development of new pollution traceability method for environmental sensing data, integration of heterogeneous data, building automated environmental analysis reports, enhanced algorithms to detect spatio-temporal anomalies in sensors, and advancement of the AQI prediction AI algorithm model for the next 12 hours, enhanced data display model for mobile sensing devices, etc., using cloud computing technology to continuously improve system performance, and provide stable and complete data quality for inquiries and the best value-added service. In addition, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Department's Environmental Sensing Data Storage Center, in response to relevant basic software and hardware facilities and emerging service trends, the project leads in the software tools or technologies for smart environmental decision-making applications. Through machine learning, human-computer interaction, data visualization, big data computing and other technologies to build more intelligent applications, assist decision-making analysis applications, strengthen the government's digital governance, intelligent inspection capabilities, and expand the public services related to environmental sensing analysis data. Moreover, to make good use of the power of the public to improve the quality of environmental governance and public services. It is hoped that through the diversified and wide-ranging work items of this project, it can provide an innovative and integrated platform and service of environmental sensing management and environmental governance decision support to the Environmental Protection Agency, and move towards the next stage of smart environmental governance.
Geographic Information System, Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Air Quality Forecast